This a well delayed post since it was purchased back in July. This bag was not purchased on a whim. It took several weeks of researching and a couple of visits to the Chanel boutique before I made the final decision that I want this bag. This was one of my "before I'm 30" goal. But Dan was such a sweetheart and got it for me because of the crazy price increases. It has almost doubled in price in the last few years so I can't even imagine how much it would be in the year 2020 when I have finally saved for it. I know I am so spoiled but I am very grateful.
I chose this bag based on one thought. If I could ever own one Chanel bag which would it be? I was contemplating between the different sizes (mainly the Medium/Large and the Jumbo), the different leathers and the hardware. My final decision was the Black Caviar, Medium/Large with the Gold Hardware. It was purchased at the Chanel Boutique on Castlereagh St, Sydney. This has sentimental value as the old boutique may be closing down due to the opening of the new boutique in the new Westfields Shopping Centre. Personally, I like the overall feel of the old boutique which is why this bag would mean so much more to me. After all my first Chanel item was purchased there (classic CC stud earrings).
I didn't take these photos until recently so all the pretty packaging (bag and ribbon) are not included since I unpackaged it at Dan's house and he has really poor yellow lighting in his room.
The house (box)
The dustbag
The beauty
A closer look at the leather and CC clasp
Interior lining
The paperwork
The interior pockets
I've been loving this bag so much and so glad that I got it. I know the price is shocking but its classic, timeless and the quality would mean this bag could be passed down to the next generation and be loved and cherished.